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Asian Journal of Management Cases ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.1177/0972820120960583
Zainab Riaz

The pandemic has been a sobering time for all of us. Almost everyone we know has been directly or indirectly affected by it. We have learned many things during this difficult time: We have learned to empathize, to take a breath and reflect, to appreciate what God has given us and what we are losing and, finally, to adapt. By the time this issue comes out, we would have globally made the transition to online learning. Online case teaching has been especially challenging but also rewarding. Cases lend themselves well to online teaching. A colleague of mine said it rather well, ‘Case method has the dual benefits of being a highly interactive pedagogy with a focus on the application of knowledge rather than mere dissemination of knowledge. Thus, it becomes engaging for students both in class and online’.


