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Hieronymus Tielsch: A Silesian in England and Scotland, ca. 1603
Notes and Queries ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-17 , DOI: 10.1093/notesj/gjaa087
June Schlueter 1

Among the manuscripts in The Huntington Library are leaves from the album amicorum of Hieronymus Tielsch (HM 25863), who, with his countryman Servatius Reichell, travelled to England and Scotland in the early seventeenth century.11 Like many early modern Germans, Tielsch kept an autograph or friendship album, which he presented to friends, acquaintances, and dignitaries, asking each to sign a page.22 Typically, a contributor complied by contributing a motto, a dedication to the album owner, and, at times, a watercolour painting, often of his coat of arms, signing the page and dating and siting his signature. The bound album of tributes served the album owner as a memento of his travels as well as a testament to his personal and social worth. Sadly, Tielsch’s album is lost, but the Huntington holds seventeen surviving leaves, each measuring approximately 4½ × 6 inches (114.3 × 152.4 mm) and each mounted on a separate sheet, then gathered in a twentieth-century terracotta binding, the foliation added by a modern librarian. We have no way of knowing the order in which the leaves were placed in the original album nor can we recover sections of tops and bottoms lost when the leaves were trimmed, presumably in the seventeenth century. But despite the manuscript’s limitations, the surviving leaves provide a record of an early modern German’s travels across the narrow seas.


Hieronymus Tielsch:大约在英格兰和苏格兰的西里西亚人。1603

其中在亨廷顿图书馆的手稿是从叶子专辑amicorum海欧纳莫斯特尔叙(HM 25863),谁,与他的同胞Servatius Reichell,前往英格兰和苏格兰的早期十七century.1的1像很多早期的现代德国,特尔叙保持一张亲笔签名或友谊专辑,他赠送给朋友,熟人和要人,要求他们各自签名。2 2通常,撰稿人通过奉行座右铭,献给专辑所有者的奉献精神以及有时是一幅水彩画(通常是他的徽章),在页面上签名并注明日期和签名来完成。绑定的致敬专辑为专辑所有者提供了旅行的纪念品,同时也证明了他的个人和社会价值。遗憾的是,蒂尔施的专辑丢了,但是亨廷顿拥有十七片幸存的叶子,每片叶子的尺寸约为4½×6英寸(114.3×152.4毫米),每片都装在一张单独的纸上,然后聚集在二十世纪的陶土装订中,一个现代的图书馆员。我们无法知道叶子在原始专辑中的放置顺序,也无法恢复大概在17世纪修剪叶子时丢失的顶部和底部部分。