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MELUS ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: 10.1093/melus/mlaa036

Dr. Lori Harrison-Kahan has completed her five years of service as book review editor for MELUS. An associate professor of the practice at Boston College and recipient of the American Studies Association’s Gloria E. Anzaldúa Award for Independent Scholars and Contingent Faculty, Professor Harrison-Kahan is the editor of The Superwoman and Other Writings by Miriam Michelson (Wayne State UP, 2019) and coeditor of Heirs of Yesterday by Emma Wolf (Wayne State UP, 2020). She is the author of The White Negress: Literature, Minstrelsy, and the Black-Jewish Imaginary (Rutgers UP, 2011), which received an honorable mention for the Society for the Study of American Women Writers Book Award. She has published a number of articles in scholarly journals and anthologies, and her MELUS article “Miriam Michelson’s Yellow Journalism and the Multi-Ethnic West,” coauthored by Karen E. H. Skinazi, was awarded the Don D. Walker Prize for best essay in Western American literary studies. She also coedited a special issue of MELUS on “The Future of Jewish American Literary Studies” (Summer 2012). Her research has received support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, and the Modernist Studies Association. In 2016, she was a scholar-in-residence at the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute and a Robert E. Levinson Fellow at the University of California Berkeley’s Bancroft Library. She is on the editorial board of the Jewish Women’s Archive’s Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women and serves as a consultant reader for Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers. Professor Harrison-Kahan’s expertise and professionalism have been a significant asset to the book review section, and we thank her for her service to the journal.



洛里·哈里森·卡汉(Lori Harrison-Kahan)博士已经完成了五年的MELUS书评编辑工作。哈里森·卡汉教授是波士顿大学的实践副教授,并获得了美国研究协会的格洛里亚·安扎尔杜亚独立学者和特遣队奖,哈里森·卡汉教授是米里亚姆·米歇尔森Miriam Michelson)撰写《超女和其他著作》(韦恩州立大学,2019年) )和艾玛·沃尔夫(Wayne State UP,2020)的《昨日继承人》的编辑。她是《白色女巫:文学,吟游诗人和黑人犹太想像力》的作者(Rutgers UP,2011年),获得了美国女性作家研究学会奖的荣誉奖。她在学术期刊和选集上发表了多篇文章,由凯伦·埃·斯卡纳齐(Karen EH Skinazi)合着的她的MELUS文章“米里安·米歇尔森( Miriam Michelson)的《黄色新闻学》和《多民族的西方》”被授予唐·沃克(Don D. Walker)最佳美国论文奖文学研究。她还共同编辑了《MELUS》的特刊关于“美国犹太文学研究的未来”(2012年夏季)。她的研究得到了国家人文基金会,犹太文化纪念基金会和现代主义研究协会的支持。2016年,她是哈达萨-布兰迪斯学院(Hadassah-Brandeis Institute)的驻地学者,以及加州大学伯克利分校的班克罗夫特图书馆的罗伯特·莱文森(Robert E. Levinson)研究员。她是犹太妇女档案馆《犹太妇女的Shalvi / Hyman百科全书》的编委会成员,并担任《遗产:美国女性作家杂志》的顾问读者。Harrison-Kahan教授的专业知识和专业素养是书评部分的重要资产,我们感谢她为该杂志提供的服务。