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“I Landed in France with the Century”: An Excerpt from François-René de Chateaubriand’s Memoirs from Beyond the Grave, 1800–1815
Literary Imagination ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-17 , DOI: 10.1093/litimag/imaa038
Alex Andriesse

In the spring of 1800, François-René de Chateaubriand sailed from the cliffs of Dover to the headlands of Calais. He was thirty-one and had been living as a political refugee in England for more than seven years, at times in such extreme poverty he subsisted on nothing but hot water and two-penny rolls. As a nobleman and a veteran of the counterrevolutionary Army of Princes (in which he had briefly laid siege to Thionville before contracting smallpox), he was down on the Republic’s blacklist of émigrés, which meant he could be put to death if he set foot in France. Thus it was not exactly François-René de Chateaubriand who made the trip south across the Dover Strait; it was, according to the passport he obtained from the Prussian ambassador to England, a fictional Swiss subject named Monsieur Lassagne.



1800年春天,弗朗索瓦·雷内·德·夏多布里安(François-Renéde Chateaubriand)从多佛的悬崖驶向加来的岬角。他三十一岁,在英国政治难民中生活了七年多,有时他生活在极端贫困之中,只靠热水和两便士面包维持生计。作为王室反革命军的贵族和退伍军人(他在染上天花之前曾短暂围攻过锡永维尔),他被列为共和国的移民黑名单,这意味着如果他踏进去,可能会被处死。法国。因此,并非真正的François-Renéde Chateaubriand进行了穿越多佛海峡的南行。根据他从普鲁士驻英国大使那里获得的护照,这是一个虚构的瑞士人,名为拉萨涅先生。