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The Projectification of Reparation
Journal of Human Rights Practice ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-17 , DOI: 10.1093/jhuman/huaa045
Christoph Sperfeldt 1 , Rachel Hughes 2

There has been increasing use of project-based organization in various areas of human rights practice, including within truth and justice-seeking in the wake of mass atrocities. This article traces the development and deployment of project-based approaches to judicial reparation at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), an internationalized (hybrid) criminal tribunal. Drawing on the authors’ many years of close observation in and around the ECCC, it describes and explains how a project-based approach responded to the challenge of ‘moral and collective’ reparation for victims of mass crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge (1975–1979). The article critically examines how development actors nominated, designed and ‘delivered’ so-called ‘reparation projects’. Twenty-four projects were ultimately recognized by the ECCC; key details of these are succinctly tabulated here for the benefit of readers. The article discusses the effects of the projectification of ECCC reparation, including new practices, changed relationships and changed meanings of reparation. It finds that in Cambodia—a state that has experienced decades of international development assistance resulting in the entrenchment of project forms across different fields—the mobilization of new actors and resources has expanded the possibilities for ECCC reparation and provided some benefits to those victims involved. However, a project-based approach also reshaped decision-making and accountability structures underpinning reparation work. The article argues that using ‘projectification’ as an analytical lens expands our capacity to understand how, and with what consequences, global notions of reparation and justice are enacted in different contexts through the coordination and implementation of projects.



在人权实践的各个领域,包括在大规模暴行之后寻求真相和寻求正义的范围内,越来越多地使用基于项目的组织。本文追溯了国际化(混合)刑事法庭柬埔寨法院特别法庭(ECCC)基于项目的司法赔偿方法的开发和部署。它借鉴了作者在ECCC内外多年的密切观察,描述并说明了基于项目的方法如何应对“红色和集体”赔偿对红色高棉(1975-2000)犯下的大规模犯罪受害者的挑战。 1979)。本文严格审查了发展参与者如何提名,设计和“交付”所谓的“赔偿项目”。ECCC最终认可了24个项目;为了方便读者,此处简要列出了其中的关键详细信息。本文讨论了ECCC赔偿项目化的影响,包括新做法,关系的改变和赔偿含义的改变。调查发现,在柬埔寨这个经历了数十年国际发展援助的国家,其结果是巩固了各个领域的项目形式。动员新的参与者和资源扩大了ECCC赔偿的可能性,并为所涉受害者提供了一些好处。但是,基于项目的方法也重塑了作为赔偿工作基础的决策和问责结构。文章认为,使用“项目化”作为分析视角可以扩大我们了解如何以及产生何种后果的能力,