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The Production and Use of the Film It Stays With You: Use of Force by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti to Challenge the Exclusion of Survivors’ Experiences from Peacekeeping Success Stories
Journal of Human Rights Practice ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-11 , DOI: 10.1093/jhuman/huaa047
Siobhán Wills 1 , Cahal McLaughlin 2

During its operations against gangs in the period 2004–2007 the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) killed and injured many people who were not posing a threat to anyone and were not involved in criminal activity. In Operations Iron Fist (2005) and New Forest (2006) an estimated 60 people were killed, some by bullets fired from helicopters penetrating the roofs of their corrugated metal shacks. Survivors claim that no one from the UN or from any state agency has ever visited their neighbourhood to speak to them—‘it’s as though you’re worthless’. This article discusses the making of the film It Stays With You: Use of Force by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti—which was produced using participatory practices—and the project team’s use of the film to raise awareness of the need for reform of UN rules of engagement and for an investigation into excessive use of force by MINUSTAH. The article also discusses the use of the film to challenge the exclusion from the MINUSTAH success narrative of the stories of the people who live in the targeted community, and to provide a platform that might enable the experiences of survivors to be publicly acknowledged internationally. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, It Stays With You forms part of an interdisciplinary law and film studies research project, which explores the role of film as a method of addressing trauma and as a means of highlighting the need for a human rights-oriented approach to accountability in the conduct of UN law enforcement operations.



联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)在2004年至2007年期间打击黑帮的行动中,造成许多人丧生和受伤,这些人没有对任何人构成威胁,也没有参与犯罪活动。在《铁拳行动》(2005年)和《新森林》(2006年)中,估计有60人丧生,其中一些人是从穿透波纹状金属棚顶的直升飞机发射的子弹击中的。幸存者声称,没有来自联合国或任何国家机构的人来过他们的邻居并与他们讲话-“好像你一文不值”。本文讨论了电影《与你同在:联合国维持和平人员在海地使用武力》的制作(这是使用参与性实践制作的),以及项目团队对电影的使用,以提高人们对改革联合国交战规则和调查联海稳定团过度使用武力的必要性的认识。本文还讨论了影片的使用,以挑战将联海稳定团的成功叙述排除在目标社区之外的人们的故事,并提供一个可能使幸存者的经历在国际上得到公认的平台。由艺术与人文研究委员会资助,与您同在 构成跨学科法律和电影研究项目的一部分,该项目探讨了电影作为解决创伤的方法的作用,以及强调在联合国执法行动中以人权为导向的问责制手段的作用。