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The Life-or-Death Cost of Being Stateless in a Global Pandemic
International Journal of Refugee Law ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1093/ijrl/eeaa029
Laura van Waas , Ottoline Spearman

For the approximately 15 million stateless people worldwide – who already endure discrimination and denial of basic rights and services – the harm caused by statelessness during the pandemic has risen to an unprecedented level.11 Being stateless is akin to having a pre-existing medical condition, in the sense that stateless people already face many challenges that are now compounded by the pandemic. The stateless are used to being invisible, excluded, and marginalized, and this invisibility both catalyses and reinforces structural discrimination and unequal treatment.22 As the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, has observed, ‘the right to a nationality is a fundamental human right, and in this time of crisis it can mean the difference between life or death’.33



对于世界各地的约1500万无国籍人-谁已经忍受歧视的基本权利和拒绝服务-在大流行期间造成无国籍的危害已经上升到了前所未有的level.1 1无国籍类似于具有预先存在的医疗条件,从某种意义上说,无国籍人已经面临许多挑战,而现在大流行又使挑战更加复杂。无国籍人习惯于被看不见,被排斥和被边缘化,而这种无形性催化并加剧了结构性歧视和不平等待遇。22作为联合国难民署,菲利波·格兰迪,已经观察到,“国籍的权利是一项基本人权,并在此危机时刻,这可能意味着生命或death'.3之间的差额3