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The Structure of Religion, Ethnicity, and Insurgent Mobilization
World Politics ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s0043887120000222
Anoop Sarbahi

This article problematizes the social structure of ethnic groups to account for variation in insurgent mobilization within and across ethnic groups. Relying on network-based approaches to social structure, it argues that insurgent mobilization is constrained by the structural connectivity of the ethnic group, a measure of the extent to which subethnic communities—neighborhoods, villages, clans, and tribes—are socially connected internally and with each other. In agrarian societies, structural connectivity is traced to religion. On the basis of unique data on rebel recruitment from the Mizo insurgency in India and microlevel variations in changes associated with the spread of Christianity among Mizos, the author demonstrates that enhanced structural connectivity resulting from a network of highly centralized churches and institutions under the Welsh Presbyterian Mission significantly bolstered insurgent recruitment. Semistructured interviews of Mizo insurgents and ethnographic evidence from the neighboring Meitei and Naga ethnic insurgencies further support the argument and the casual mechanism.



本文将族群的社会结构问题化,以解释族群内部和族群之间叛乱动员的差异。依靠基于网络的社会结构方法,它认为叛乱动员受到族群结构连通性的限制,这是衡量亚族群社区——社区、村庄、氏族和部落——在内部和彼此。在农业社会中,结构连通性可以追溯到宗教。根据印度米佐叛乱中叛军招募的独特数据以及与基督教在米佐之间传播相关的微观变化变化,作者证明,威尔士长老会教会高度集中的教会和机构网络增强了结构连通性,极大地促进了叛乱分子的招募。对 Mizo 叛乱分子的半结构化采访以及来自邻近 Meitei 和 Naga 民族叛乱的民族志证据进一步支持了这一论点和偶然机制。