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The Place of “The Liberty of Thought and Discussion” in On Liberty
Utilitas ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s0953820820000382
Dale E. Miller

I consider whether Mill intends for us to see the arguments that constitute his defense of the “Liberty of Thought and Discussion” in chapter 2 of On Liberty as a part of his larger case for the “harm” or “liberty” principle (LP). Several commentators depict this chapter as a digression that interrupts the flow between his introduction of this principle in the first chapter and his exposition and defense of it in the final three. I will argue instead for a reading of On Liberty on which chapter 2 is well integrated with the rest of the essay and is in fact where Mill starts constructing his case for LP.



我考虑穆勒是否打算让我们看到构成他在第 2 章中为“思想和讨论的自由”辩护的论点。论自由作为他对“伤害”或“自由”原则(LP)的更大案例的一部分。一些评论家将这一章描述为一个题外话,打断了他在第一章中介绍这一原则与他在最后三章中对这一原则的阐述和辩护之间的流动。我将争辩改为阅读论自由第 2 章与文章的其余部分很好地结合在一起,实际上是 Mill 开始为 LP 构建他的案例的地方。