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A tale of three cities: urban and cultural resilience and heritage between the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the eastern Mediterranean
Urban History Pub Date : 2020-08-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s0963926820000607
Guy D. Middleton

The turbulent years around c. 1200 BC in the eastern Mediterranean are known as a period of the collapse of states and empires. Yet by zooming in on three important royal cities, Tiryns, Hattusa and Carchemish, we can question this collapse narrative whilst at the same time exploring the now popular concept of resilience, in this case urban and cultural resilience. First these ancient cities are presented as interactive and meaningful spaces in which architecture and art were used to shape people's experience of them and the world in which they lived, before their urban fabric and functions are examined in turn. It will become clear that they had radically different fates through c. 1200 BC. Some of the difficulties in applying ideas from resilience thinking and how it might or might not be useful as an approach in studying these and other examples are then discussed.



动荡的岁月C. 公元前 1200 年在东地中海被称为国家和帝国崩溃的时期。然而,通过放大三个重要的皇家城市,Tiryns、Hattusa 和 Carchemish,我们可以质疑这种崩溃的叙述,同时探索现在流行的复原力概念,在这种情况下是城市和文化复原力。首先,这些古老的城市被呈现为互动且有意义的空间,其中建筑和艺术被用来塑造人们对他们和他们生活的世界的体验,然后依次检查他们的城市结构和功能。很明显,他们的命运截然不同C. 公元前1200年。然后讨论了应用弹性思维中的想法的一些困难,以及它作为研究这些和其他例子的方法可能有用或可能没有用。