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The Matter of Metaphor: Remembering Phillip
Theatre Research International ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-04 , DOI: 10.1017/s0307883320000371

As an undergraduate student in Birmingham in the early 1990s, I spent a lot of time in the stacks in the library where I had discovered, through back issues of TDR for the most part, something called ‘performance studies’. It didn't really figure on our curriculum, but having become duly exposed to Richard Foreman scripts, photographs of Annie Sprinkle shows and various essays on ritual, I wished like hell that it did. It was this that led me to a book, By Means of Performance, edited by Richard Schechner and Willa Appel. One chapter in particular floored me completely. Entitled ‘What Does It Mean to “Become the Character”: Power, Presence and Transcendence in Asian In-Body Disciplines of Practice’, it combined a deep knowledge of the practices it discussed that could only have come from doing them in depth, with a level of philosophical and ethnographic detail that made tangible, material sense of the apparently esoteric premise of its title. The chapter was Phillip's, and his great gift as both teacher and scholar was always that ability to place the relationship between ‘the doer and the thing done’ at the heart of things. This is, of course, a key tenet of the American pragmatist tradition (the phrase is John Dewey's, I believe, although I often heard Phillip make use of it) and I don't think he would object to me aligning him with it.



作为 1990 年代初在伯明翰读本科的学生,我花了很多时间在图书馆的书架上,通过旧刊TDR在大多数情况下,称为“性能研究”。它并没有真正出现在我们的课程中,但是在适当地接触了 Richard Foreman 的剧本、Annie Sprinkle 表演的照片和各种关于仪式的文章之后,我非常希望它确实如此。正是这一点让我读了一本书,通过性能,由 Richard Schechner 和 Willa Appel 编辑。特别是一章让我彻底崩溃。题为“成为角色”意味着什么:亚洲身体实践训练中的力量、存在和超越”,它结合了对所讨论的实践的深入了解,这些实践只有通过深入实践才能获得,与哲学和人种学细节的水平,使其标题明显深奥的前提有形的物质意义。这一章是菲利普的,他作为教师和学者的伟大天赋总是能够将“做事者和所做的事情”之间的关系置于事情的核心。当然,这是美国实用主义传统的一个关键原则(我相信这句话是约翰杜威的,虽然我经常听到菲利普使用它)我不