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Black Women's Internationalism: A New Frontier in Intellectual History
Modern Intellectual History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s1479244321000081
Ashley D. Farmer

Published in Paris in 1928 under the leadership of Guadeloupean Maurice Satineau, the newspaper La dépêche africaine featured a mélange of African diasporic contributors from across the French colonies. Chief among them were the Afro-Martinican intellectuals and sisters Jane and Paulette Nardal. It was here that Jane Nardal published her now famous essay “Internationalisme noir,” introducing the idea of “black internationalism” into popular parlance. Nardal documented a new understanding of blackness and collectivity amid post-World War I globalization. Just as wartime had broken down barriers among Europeans and white Americans, so too had it fostered the “sentiment” among black people from the around the world that they “belong[ed] to one and the same race.” Introducing and reifying terms such as “Afro Latino” and “African American” into French and English vernaculars, Nardal focused on black people's efforts to rhetorically and ideologically link the African diaspora while also reconciling these new identities with the “ancient traditions” of Africa. The result: one of the first efforts to define black internationalism as an ideology, worldview, and political practice in a moment in which black people the world over were trying to negotiate the modernizing world and their place in it.



1928 年,在瓜德罗普人莫里斯·萨蒂诺的领导下,《非洲人民日报》在巴黎出版以来自法国殖民地的非洲侨民贡献者为特色。其中最主要的是非洲裔马提尼加知识分子和姐妹简和保莱特·纳达尔。正是在这里,Jane Nardal 发表了她现在著名的文章《Internationalisme noir》,将“黑人国际主义”的概念引入了流行语。纳达尔记录了在第一次世界大战后的全球化中对黑色和集体的新理解。正如战时打破了欧洲人和美国白人之间的壁垒一样,它也在世界各地的黑人中培养了他们“属于同一个种族”的“情绪”。将“Afro Latino”和“African American”等术语引入并具体化为法语和英语白话,Nardal 专注于黑人 他努力在修辞和意识形态上将非洲侨民联系起来,同时还将这些新身份与非洲的“古老传统”相协调。结果:在世界各地的黑人试图就现代化世界及其在其中的地位进行谈判的时刻,将黑人国际主义定义为一种意识形态、世界观和政治实践的首批努力之一。
