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The Life Course of a Standard-Bearer: A Nonroyal Elite Burial at the Maya Archaeological Site of El Palmar, Mexico
Latin American Antiquity ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-17 , DOI: 10.1017/laq.2020.96
Jessica I. Cerezo-Román , Kenichiro Tsukamoto

Inspired by life course and osteobiography approaches, this article explores the life and death of an individual associated with the lakam title (“banner” in Colonial Yukatek Maya; thus, a “standard-bearer”), a nonroyal elite of Late Classic period Maya society (AD 600–850). Although these elites are depicted on polychrome vessels and carved monuments, little is known about their life experiences and mortuary practices. The present analysis centers on an individual found at Structure GZ1, a temple with a hieroglyphic stairway, at the Maya archaeological site of El Palmar, Mexico. Using osteological, archaeological, and epigraphic data as different lines of evidence, we examine the relationship of the individual to his affiliated group. At the time of interment, there were a wide array of social, cultural, and political events both shaping and reshaping the body and identities of the individual during a period of political turbulence.



受生命历程和骨传记方法的启发,本文探讨了与拉卡姆头衔(殖民 Yukatek Maya 中的“旗帜”;因此,“旗手”),古典晚期玛雅社会(公元 600-850 年)的非皇室精英。尽管这些精英被描绘在彩色容器和雕刻纪念碑上,但人们对他们的生活经历和太平间的做法知之甚少。目前的分析集中于在墨西哥埃尔帕尔马玛雅考古遗址 GZ1 结构中发现的一个人,这是一座带有象形文字楼梯的寺庙。使用骨学、考古学和碑文数据作为不同的证据,我们检查了个人与其所属群体的关系。在安葬的时候,在政治动荡时期,有各种各样的社会、文化和政治事件塑造和重塑了个人的身体和身份。