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Early Monumentality in the Belize River Valley: Excavations of a Preclassic E-Group at Cahal Pech, Belize
Latin American Antiquity ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1017/laq.2020.90
Claire E. Ebert , James McGee , Jaime J. Awe

Recent investigations at Cahal Pech, Belize, documented a previously unrecognized Middle Preclassic (700–500 cal BC) E-Group complex. Located in an open public plaza, the monumental complex likely functioned as a forum for communal public events. In the Late Preclassic, the E-Group was replaced by an ancestor shrine where several royal tombs are located, as well as buildings separating public civic space from private elite space. These shifts in monumental construction temporally track the development of ideological manifestations of power and provide evidence for the formalization of dynastic rulership by an emerging elite class.


伯利兹河谷的早期纪念性建筑:伯利兹 Cahal Pech 的前经典 E 群挖掘

最近在伯利兹的 Cahal Pech 进行的调查记录了一个以前未被识别的中古(公元前 700-500 年)E 群复合体。这座巨大的建筑群位于一个开放的公共广场上,很可能是公共公共活动的论坛。在前古典时代晚期,E-Group 被一个祖先神殿所取代,那里有几个皇家陵墓,以及将公共公民空间与私人精英空间分开的建筑物。这些纪念性建筑的转变在时间上跟踪了权力意识形态表现的发展,并为新兴精英阶层的王朝统治形式化提供了证据。