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‘All our joys will be complated’: the visit of George IV to Ireland, 1821
Irish Historical Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-16 , DOI: 10.1017/ihs.2020.36
Karina Holton

The visit of George IV to Ireland in the summer of 1821 prompted an effusive display of royalist emotion. It left a visible and material legacy in Dublin in the form of Kingstown, the Round Room in the Mansion House, King's Bridge, and a variety of prints, paintings, commemorative coins and ephemera. The idea of constructing a palace to facilitate future royal visits was even floated. The visit was reported on extensively in the newspapers of the day and was the subject also of a range of poems, verses and songs. A royal visit made on a whim, together with vested interests and carefully managed propaganda, combined to produce mismatched expectations of what the visit would achieve. This article assesses the visit and argues that while the Dublin administration viewed it as a success, there was, in fact, little positive outcome.


“我们所有的快乐都将得到满足”:乔治四世访问爱尔兰,1821 年

1821 年夏天,乔治四世访问爱尔兰引发了保皇主义情绪的热烈表现。它在都柏林以金斯敦、大厦圆厅、国王桥以及各种版画、绘画、纪念币和蜉蝣的形式在都柏林留下了可见的物质遗产。建造宫殿以方便未来皇室访问的想法甚至浮出水面。当天的报纸广泛报道了这次访问,也是一系列诗歌、诗歌和歌曲的主题。一时兴起的王室访问,加上既得利益和精心管理的宣传,共同产生了对访问结果的不匹配预期。本文评估了这次访问,并认为虽然都柏林政府认为这次访问是成功的,但实际上几乎没有什么积极成果。