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Democracy and Adjustment in Niger: A Conflict of Rationales
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-12 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020859021000183
Vincent Bonnecase

In the early 1990s, Niger saw growing anger towards the military regime in power, not only because of police violence, but also due to its economic and social policies, particularly its first structural adjustment programme. After several months of revolts, the regime fell, giving way to a democratic government in 1991. Under pressure from international financial institutions, the new government quickly embarked on the same economic and social path as the previous one and adopted an adjustment policy, resistance to which had played a fundamental role in its accession to power. The government faced increasing street protests, and was overthrown by the army in January 1996, with most of the population not mobilizing to protect the democratic institutions. This article examines the conflicts of rationales that marked these few years, and shows how, by whom, and to what extent these rationales were opposed in practical terms. It also offers a social history of the adjustments by looking at how they were received by the people. By so doing, it looks back at a moment that has profoundly marked Niger's recent history: in this country, as in others, the adjustments have reconfigured rivalries, produced violence, and left an indelible mark on the political imaginary up to the present day.



在 1990 年代初期,尼日尔对当权的军事政权越来越愤怒,这不仅是因为警察的暴力行为,还因为它的经济和社会政策,特别是它的第一个结构调整计划。经过几个月的叛乱,政权垮台,1991 年让位于民主政府。在国际金融机构的压力下,新政府迅速走上了与前一届政府相同的经济和社会道路,并采取了调整政策,抵制在其上台过程中发挥了根本性的作用。政府面临越来越多的街头抗议,并于 1996 年 1 月被军队推翻,大多数民众没有动员起来保护民主机构。这篇文章探讨了这几年标志性的理论冲突,并展示了如何,由谁提出,在多大程度上反对这些理由。它还通过查看人们如何接受调整来提供调整的社会历史。通过这样做,它回顾了一个深刻地标记尼日尔近期历史的时刻:在这个国家,就像在其他国家一样,这些调整重新配置了竞争,产生了暴力,并在迄今为止的政治想象中留下了不可磨灭的印记。