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The Exclusionary Foundations of Embedded Liberalism
International Organization ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020818320000478
Sara Wallace Goodman , Thomas B. Pepinsky

Analyses of embedded liberalism have focused overwhelmingly on trade in goods and capital, to the exclusion of migration. We argue that much as capital controls were essential components of the embedded liberal compromise, so too were restrictions on the democratic and social rights of labor migrants. Generous welfare programs in labor-receiving countries thrived alongside inclusionary immigration policies, but this balanced arrangement was only tenable if migrants were politically excluded in their destination countries. That is, embedded liberalism abroad rested on exclusionary political foundations at home. In bringing together the IPE literature on the “globalization trilemma” with the comparative politics of citizenship, we provide a novel account of how embedded liberalism worked politically, with implications for current debates about the fate of the liberal order in a time of populist resurgence.



对嵌入式自由主义的分析主要集中在商品和资本贸易上,而排除了移民。我们认为,正如资本管制是嵌入的自由妥协的重要组成部分一样,对劳工移民的民主和社会权利的限制也是如此。劳务接收国的慷慨福利计划与包容性移民政策一起蓬勃发展,但这种平衡的安排只有在移民在目的地国被政治排斥的情况下才能成立。也就是说,国外根深蒂固的自由主义建立在国内排他性的政治基础之上。通过将关于“全球化三难困境”的 IPE 文献与公民的比较政治结合起来,我们提供了一个关于嵌入自由主义如何在政治上发挥作用的新颖描述,