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Tracking and Nudging through Smartphone Apps: Public Health and Decisional Privacy in a European Health Union
European Journal of Risk Regulation ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-16 , DOI: 10.1017/err.2020.100

In response to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, European Union (EU) Member States adopted technological solutions aimed at mitigating the effects of the virus, as well as enforcing newly adopted public health measures. Examples include apps for disseminating information, performing self-diagnosis, enforcing home quarantine orders and aiding contact tracing. This extensive use of technology for tracking and promoting public health raises important questions regarding EU citizens’ privacy. Thus far, the discourse in this regard has predominantly revolved around data protection, the risk of surveillance and the right to control access over one’s personal information (informational privacy). In light of the push towards a more unified approach to mitigating the current pandemic and future health crises through a European Health Union (EHU), we consider a different dimension of privacy that may be at risk when employing technology for public health, namely the right to non-interference with one’s decisions (decisional privacy). In particular, this article focuses on whether the advances in health-related persuasive technology, together with a more general movement towards “nudging” as an individual and public health tool, will require EU legislation to further protect decisional privacy by regulating “hypernudging” technologies and to guide the EHU in coordinating public health measures that utilise these technologies in a privacy-preserving way.



为应对 SARS-CoV-2 大流行,欧盟 (EU) 成员国采用了旨在减轻病毒影响的技术解决方案,并实施了新采取的公共卫生措施。示例包括用于传播信息、执行自我诊断、执行居家隔离令和帮助追踪接触者的应用程序。这种广泛使用技术来跟踪和促进公共卫生引发了有关欧盟公民隐私的重要问题。迄今为止,这方面的讨论主要围绕数据保护、监视风险和控制个人信息访问权(信息隐私)。鉴于通过欧洲卫生联盟 (EHU) 推动采取更统一的方法来缓解当前的大流行和未来的健康危机,我们考虑了在将技术用于公共卫生时可能面临风险的不同隐私维度,即不干涉个人决定的权利(决定性隐私)。特别是,本文重点关注与健康相关的说服技术的进步,以及将“轻推”作为个人和公共卫生工具的更普遍的运动,是否需要欧盟立法通过规范“超推”技术来进一步保护决策隐私并指导 EHU 协调以保护隐私的方式利用这些技术的公共卫生措施。