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Synergising International Public Health Law and International Disaster Law
European Journal of Risk Regulation ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1017/err.2020.101
Pratik DIXIT 1

There is no time more opportune to review the workings of the International Health Regulations (IHR) than the present COVID-19 crisis. This article analyses the theoretical and practical aspects of international public health law (IPHL), particularly the IHR, to argue that it is woefully unprepared to protect human rights in times of a global public health crisis. To rectify this, the article argues that the IHR should design effective risk reduction and response strategies by incorporating concepts from international disaster law (IDL). Along similar lines, this article suggests that IDL also has a lot to learn from IPHL in terms of greater internationalisation and institutionalisation. Institutionalisation of IDL on par with IPHL will provide it with greater legitimacy, transparency and accountability. This article argues that greater cross-pollination of ideas between IDL and IPHL is necessary in order to make these disciplines more relevant for the future.



没有时间比当前的 COVID-19 危机更适合审查《国际卫生条例》(IHR)的运作了。本文分析了国际公共卫生法 (IPHL) 的理论和实践方面,尤其是 IHR,认为它在全球公共卫生危机时期对保护人权毫无准备。为了纠正这一点,文章认为 IHR 应通过纳入国际灾害法 (IDL) 的概念来设计有效的风险降低和应对策略。与此类似,本文认为 IDL 在更大的国际化和制度化方面也可以向 IPHL 学习很多东西。与 IPHL 相提并论的 IDL 制度化将为其提供更大的合法性、透明度和问责制。