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Increasing Legal Certainty without Trust: Why Regulation 2019/515 Cannot Achieve the Unachievable
European Journal of Risk Regulation Pub Date : 2020-07-14 , DOI: 10.1017/err.2020.61
Benjamin JAN

More than 40 years after Cassis de Dijon, the mutual recognition in the field of goods is still a failure. The promise of this principle for ensuring both market access and regulatory diversity has not been kept. Therefore, today, businesses rarely rely on mutual recognition to sell their products in another Member State. In an attempt to stimulate this procedure further, the European Union legislator tried to simplify the procedures to be followed by businesses and public administrations through Regulation 2019/515. This article argues that, although the Regulation creates more legal certainty, it fundamentally fails to address the underlying problem of lack of trust that has stalled mutual recognition in the past.


在没有信任的情况下增加法律确定性:为什么 2019/515 号法规无法实现无法实现的目标

40多年后第戎黑醋栗,商品领域的互认依然是失败的。这一原则对确保市场准入和监管多样性的承诺并未兑现。因此,今天,企业很少依靠相互承认在另一个成员国销售他们的产品。为了进一步推动这一程序,欧盟立法者试图通过第 2019/515 号条例简化企业和公共行政部门应遵循的程序。本文认为,尽管该条例创造了更多的法律确定性,但它从根本上未能解决过去阻碍相互承认的缺乏信任的根本问题。