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Adult learning, circumstantial activism and ecological habitus in the coal seam gas protests
Australian Journal of Environmental Education ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-05 , DOI: 10.1017/aee.2020.32
Tracey Ollis

This paper outlines adult learning in the space of an important campaign against mining for coal seam gas (CSG). Recently, the government of Victoria became the first state to ban fracking for CSG in Australia. This significant legislative outcome could not have been achieved without the concerted campaigning of activists through the Lock the Gate Alliance (LTGA), in Central Gippsland. The campaign is mainly composed of circumstantial activists who have come together due to the serious threat from fracking to the quality of their land and water supply. This case study research examines adult learning in the field of a campaign. The findings from this research make clear activists learn to think critically about the environment and the impact of fracking for CSG. They learn communication skills, group work and networking skills. They develop a feel for the game of activism by learning informally through socialisation with experienced activists from the LTGA and the Environmental Non-Government Organisation Friends of the Earth (FOE). In turn, FOE resource the coalition and provide opportunities for both informal learning and nonformal learning to the protestors. Drawing on Bourdieu’s writing on practice, this paper outlines practices within the LTGA field that are influential in the knowledge and skill development of the activists.



本文概述了在反对煤层气 (CSG) 开采的重要运动空间中的成人学习。近日,维州政府成为第一个禁止水力压裂用于澳大利亚的 CSG。如果没有积极分子通过位于吉普斯兰中部的 Lock the Gate Alliance (LTGA) 开展一致的竞选活动,就不可能取得这一重大的立法成果。该活动主要由环境活动家由于水力压裂对土地和供水质量的严重威胁,他们走到了一起。本案例研究考察了运动领域的成人学习。这项研究的结果清楚地表明,积极分子学会批判性地思考环境和水力压裂对 CSG 的影响。他们学习沟通技巧、小组工作和网络技能。他们开发了一个对游戏的感觉行动主义的非正式学习通过与来自 LTGA 和环境非政府组织地球之友 (FOE) 的经验丰富的活动家进行社交活动。反过来,FOE 为联盟提供资源,并为抗议者提供非正式学习和非正式学习的机会。借鉴布迪厄的著作实践,本文概述了 LTGA 领域内对活动家的知识和技能发展有影响的实践。