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Response to Commentaries
Asian Journal of Law and Society Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1017/als.2020.39
Lynette J. CHUA

Conducting the research, finishing the final draft, and then reflecting on the research and writing processes, whether on a conference panel or in print, often feel like disjunctive exercises. By the time this series of commentaries is published, at least eight years would have passed since my first visit with LGBT rights activists of Myanmar. I have moved on to new projects and walked with other people in the field in other lands.



进行研究,完成最终草稿,然后反思研究和写作过程,无论是在会议小组中还是在印刷品上,通常感觉就像是分离练习。到这一系列评论发表时,距离我第一次访问缅甸的 LGBT 权利活动家已经过去了至少八年。我已经开始着手新项目,并与其他国家的其他人一起行走。