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Cherchez la femme? Fadia in Plutarch's Life of Antony
Antichthon Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.1017/ann.2020.1
W. Jeffrey Tatum

In his Philippics Cicero more than once refers to Fadia, whom he depicts as Antony's wife, and to the children she bore him. He also discusses Fadia in his correspondence with Atticus. Plutarch was aware of the Philippics and much of Cicero's correspondence, and therefore of Fadia, and yet, in his Life of Antony, he says nothing about her. This paper examines three possible explanations for the biographer's silence: (i) an informed sensibility regarding the historical value of invective; (ii) the narrative design of this Life and its contribution to Plutarch's characterisation of Antony; (iii) Plutarch's (disturbing by contemporary standards) disapproval of an aristocrat's siring children on women of the lower orders – even by way of legitimate marriage or concubinage. It is, it appears, the ensemble of these factors which excludes Fadia from Plutarch's biography, and the pertinence of each adds to our appreciation of Plutarch's biographical principles.



在他的飞利浦西塞罗不止一次提到法迪亚,他将她描绘成安东尼的妻子,以及她为他生的孩子。他还在与 Atticus 的通信中讨论了 Fadia。普鲁塔克意识到飞利浦以及西塞罗的大部分信件,因此也是法迪亚的,然而,在他的安东尼的生平,他什么也没说。本文研究了传记作者沉默的三种可能解释:(i)对谩骂的历史价值的知情敏感性;(ii) 故事的设计生活以及它对普鲁塔克对安东尼的刻画的贡献;(iii) 普鲁塔克(以当代标准令人不安)不赞成贵族为下层妇女生孩子——即使是通过合法婚姻或纳妾。看来,正是这些因素的集合将法迪亚排除在普鲁塔克的传记之外,每个因素的相关性都增加了我们对普鲁塔克传记原则的理解。