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Predicting the distribution of the invasive species Hyptis suaveolens in Nigeria
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Pub Date : 2021-12-09 , DOI: 10.14712/23361964.2020.11
Oyinade Aderoju David , Gbenga Festus Akomolafe , Kenneth Chidinma Onwusiri , Gift Oluwatodimu Fabolude

Hyptis suaveolens is an exotic plant that has become established in Nigeria because it is grows vigorously and produces allelochemicals that adversely affect the growth of adjacent plants. In this study, we predict the distribution of Hyptis suaveolens in Nigeria using a Maximum Entropy modelling approach. Pearson correlations were used to select five bioclimatic variables to which type of soil and altitude were added to give a total of seven environmental variables that were then included in the MaxEnt model. This model predicts that Hyptis suaveolens can colonize 25%, 45% and 25% of the total land area in FCT, Nasarawa and the River States in Nigeria. In addition, Hyptis suaveolens in Nigeria grows mainly in sandy clay and sandy loam soils. Bioclimatic conditions most suitable for this species include temperatures between 26–30 °C, 9–10 hour photoperiod, low altitudes of around 200–800 m and rainfall within the range of 200–800mm. The MaxEnt model indicates that Hyptis suaveolens is currently a threat to the survival of native species of plants in the North Central part of Nigeria. The MaxEnt model further reveals that because of its high adaptability and tolerance of changes in abiotic factors, Hyptis suaveolens is likely to invade a new environment, the humid forest zone in Nigeria. As this species can become very abundant, we recommend that its spread is monitored and controlled, particularly in areas of high suitability.


预测尼日利亚入侵物种Hyptis suaveolens的分布

南方烟草Hyptis suaveolens是一种外来植物,已经在尼日利亚建立,因为它生长旺盛,并产生对邻近植物的生长产生不利影响的化感物质。在这项研究中,我们使用最大熵建模方法预测了尼日利亚的Hyptis suaveolens的分布。皮尔逊相关系数用于选择五个生物气候变量,并向其中添加土壤类型和海拔高度,以提供总共七个环境变量,这些变量随后被包括在MaxEnt模型中。该模型预测,Hyptis suaveolens可以在FCT,纳萨瓦瓦和尼日利亚的河流州的总土地面积上定殖25%,45%和25%。另外,尼日利亚的Hyptis suaveolens主要生长在沙质粘土和砂壤土上。最适合该物种的生物气候条件包括26-30°C之间的温度,9–10小时的光周期,低海拔约200–800 m,降雨量在200–800mm范围内。MaxEnt模型表明,Hyptis suaveolens目前正在威胁尼日利亚北部中部本地植物的生存。MaxEnt模型进一步揭示,由于其高度的适应性和对非生物因子变化的耐受性,Hyptis suaveolens可能会入侵一种新的环境,即尼日利亚的潮湿森林地区。由于该物种可能变得非常丰富,因此我们建议对其传播进行监控,尤其是在高适应性地区。MaxEnt模型进一步揭示,由于其高度的适应性和对非生物因子变化的耐受性,Hyptis suaveolens可能会入侵尼日利亚潮湿的森林地区这样的新环境。由于该物种可能变得非常丰富,因此我们建议对其传播进行监控,尤其是在高适应性地区。MaxEnt模型进一步揭示,由于其高度的适应性和对非生物因子变化的耐受性,Hyptis suaveolens可能会入侵一种新的环境,即尼日利亚的潮湿森林地区。由于该物种可能变得非常丰富,因此我们建议对其传播进行监控,尤其是在高适应性地区。