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Extended analytical formulae for the perturbed Keplerian motion under low-thrust acceleration and orbital perturbations
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10569-021-10007-x
Marilena Di Carlo , Simão da Graça Marto , Massimiliano Vasile

This paper presents a collection of analytical formulae that can be used in the long-term propagation of the motion of a spacecraft subject to low-thrust acceleration and orbital perturbations. The paper considers accelerations due to: a low-thrust profile following an inverse square law, gravity perturbations due to the central body gravity field and the third-body gravitational perturbation. The analytical formulae are expressed in terms of non-singular equinoctial elements. The formulae for the third-body gravitational perturbation have been obtained starting from equations for the third-body potential already available in the literature. However, the final analytical formulae for the variation of the equinoctial orbital elements are a novel derivation. The results are validated, for different orbital regimes, using high-precision numerical orbit propagators.



