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A Completely Distributed Economic Dispatching Strategy Considering Capacity Constraints
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-11 , DOI: 10.1109/jetcas.2021.3049788
Hua Han , Xinyu Chen , Zhangjie Liu , Yonglu Liu , Mei Su , Shimiao Chen

For islanded microgrids integrating distributed generators (DGs) with different generation cost and capacity, economic dispatch (ED) is its one of the key performance attributes and challenges. This paper proposes a completely distributed control strategy with improved reliability, flexibility and voltage quality for DC microgrids. Only depending on a sparse communication graph and neighbor information, the output power of each DG is adjusted to obtain global economic optimization while meeting the load demands and its capacity constraint by switching its control mode between distributed dispatch based on dynamic consensus algorithm and constant power control smoothly. The bus voltage is recovered accurately by construct a shortest communication line between bus agent and one DG to obtain the bus voltage. The stability and convergence of the proposed scheme have been analyzed. Simulation test has verified the feasibility and validity of the proposed control strategy.


