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Three new species of Uvariodendron (Annonaceae) from coastal East Africa in Kenya and Tanzania
PhytoKeys ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-12 , DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.174.61630
Léo-Paul M.J. Dagallier , Frank M. Mbago , W.R. Quentin Luke , Thomas L.P. Couvreur

East Africa is a hotspot of biodiversity with many endemic plant species. We describe three new species of the genus Uvariodendron (Annonaceae) from the coastal forests of Kenya and Tanzania. Uvariodendron mbagoi Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov. is endemic to Tanzania and unique within the genus by its strong bergamot scent and its tomentose fruits having regular tufts of higher hair density. Uvariodendron dzomboense Dagallier, W.R.Q. Luke & Couvreur, sp. nov. is endemic to Dzombo Hill in Kenya and is rendered distinct by its small leaves and very densely pubescent carpels. Uvariodendron schmidtii W.R.Q. Luke, Dagallier & Couvreur, sp. nov. is endemic to Shimba Hills in Kenya and differs by its small flowers and fused sepals forming a ring. Following IUCN criteria we assessed U. mbagoi and U. dzomboense as endangered (EN) while U. schmidtii is assessed as Vulnerable (VU). We also propose a new combination: Polyceratocarpus oligocarpus (Verdc.) Dagallier, comb. nov. The description of these three new species underlines the richness in endemics in East Africa and that new discoveries might arise from further botanical exploration of this region.



东非是具有许多特有植物物种的生物多样性热点。我们从肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的沿海森林中描述了Uvariodendron(Annonaceae)属的三个新物种。乌木参天果达格利尔(Dagallier)和库夫勒(Couvreur),sp。十一月 是坦桑尼亚的特有种,其在佛手柑属中的独特之处在于其浓郁的佛手柑香气和其绒毛果实,并具有较高毛发密度的规则簇。WRQ Luke&Couvreur,sp。的Uvariodendron dzomboense Dagallier。十一月 是肯尼亚Dzombo Hill的特有种,它的小叶子和非常密集的短柔毛使它与众不同。Uvariodendron schmidtii WRQ Luke,达格利尔和库夫勒,sp.。十一月 肯尼亚的新巴山(Shimba Hills)特有,其小花和融合的萼片形成一个环。根据IUCN标准,我们将U. mbagoi和d.omboomboense评估为濒危(EN),而U. schmidtii被评定为脆弱(VU)。我们还提出了一种新的组合:Polyceratocarpus oligocarpus(Verdc。)Dagallier,梳子。十一月 对这三个新物种的描述强调了东非地方病的丰富性,并且对该地区的进一步植物学探索可能会产生新的发现。