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Advancing Gender Equity and Sense of Belonging in Computing: Are Documented Best Practices Representative of Upward Transfer Students?
Community College Journal of Research and Practice ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-11 , DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2021.1896396
Jennifer M. Blaney 1 , Julia Barrett 2


Supporting upward transfer students is critical to diversifying STEM. This study provides insight into how we can best support upward transfer students in computing, one of the least diverse STEM disciplines. Specifically, we expand upon recent research on sense of belonging to examine how the predictors of belonging might be unique for upward transfer students, focusing closely on upward transfer women’s experiences. Findings highlight three unique predictors of sense of belonging for upward transfer students beyond those documented in prior research on students in the aggregate. Other college experiences – like feeling supported by computing peers – positively predicted belonging for all students, but were not equitably available to upward transfer students, with upward transfer women reporting the lowest levels of peer support compared to all other groups.




支持向上转学生对于 STEM 多样化至关重要。这项研究深入了解了我们如何才能最好地支持计算机领域的向上转移学生,这是最多样化的 STEM 学科之一。具体来说,我们扩展了最近关于归属感的研究,以检验归属感预测因素对于向上转学学生的独特性,并密切关注向上转学女性的经历。调查结果突出了三个独特的归属感预测因素,这些预测因素超出了先前对学生的总体研究中记录的那些因素。其他大学经历——比如被计算机同行支持的感觉——积极预测所有学生的归属感,但对于向上转学的学生来说并不公平,
