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Covid-19 as an “invisible other” and socio-spatial distancing within a one-metre individual bubble
URBAN DESIGN International ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1057/s41289-021-00151-z
Annamaria Silvana de Rosa , Terri Mannarini

Inspired by the social representation theory, the article embraces many aspects of the way in which the space dimension in social distancing has become a central measure for both one’s own and others’ health protection during the Covid-19 pandemic, evoking symbolic dimensions related to the social representations of “others” that are emotionally driven by fear or mirror the vulnerable self, activating the othering–otherness process. This invisible (sometimes stigmatized) “other”—never previously known—has in a few months infected more than 11 million people on the global scale and caused more than 500 thousands deaths (as of 30 June 2020: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/). It has dictated where we can go, whether and how we can work, and whom we can meet, induced the virtualization of social relationships (“neighbours from afar” and “together but divided”), and confined working and socio-recreational activities to the home. The socio-spatial prescriptive distancing assumes various meanings in cultural contexts depending on whether lifestyles are more collectivist or individualistic and whether social practices are marked by crowded social proximity or distance. The social representations of cities as complex systems of “places” conceived for social “coexistence” have moved to prescriptive rules of inter-individual spaces (1 m, 2 m, and even more) for “survival”, with significant effects on place identity.



受社会表征理论的启发,本文涵盖了社会隔离中的空间维度已成为Covid-19大流行期间个人和他人健康保护的中心指标的方式的许多方面,并唤起了与社交相关的象征性维度。由恐惧在情感上驱动或反映弱者自我的“他人”的社会表征,激活了他人与他人的过程。这种无形的(有时被污名化的)“其他”(以前从未知道)在短短几个月内在全球范围内感染了超过1100万人,并导致超过50万人死亡(截至2020年6月30日:https://coronavirus.jhu .edu /)。它决定了我们可以去哪里,我们是否可以工作,如何工作以及可以与谁见面,引发了社会关系的虚拟化(“远方的邻居”和“在一起但又分裂的人”),并将工作和社会娱乐活动局限于家庭。社会空间规定性距离在文化背景下具有各种含义,这取决于生活方式是更集体主义的还是个人主义的,以及社会实践是否以拥挤的社会接近度或距离为标志。城市的社会表征是为社会“共存”而构想的复杂的“场所”系统,已移至个体空间(1 m,2 m甚至更多)的规定性规则,以实现“生存”,这对场所身份产生了重大影响。社会空间规定性距离在文化背景下具有各种含义,这取决于生活方式是更集体主义的还是个人主义的,以及社会实践是否以拥挤的社会接近度或距离为标志。城市的社会表征是为社会“共存”而构想的复杂的“场所”系统,已移至个体空间(1 m,2 m甚至更多)的规定性规则,以实现“生存”,这对场所身份产生了重大影响。社会空间规定性距离在文化背景下具有各种含义,这取决于生活方式是更集体主义的还是个人主义的,以及社会实践是否以拥挤的社会接近度或距离为标志。城市的社会表示形式是为社会“共存”而构想的复杂的“场所”系统,已移至个体空间(1 m,2 m甚至更多)的规定性规则,以求“生存”,对场所身份产生重大影响。
