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From the Appearance to the Reality of Excessive Suffering: Theodicy and Bruce Russell’s ‘Matrix’ Example
Sophia ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s11841-020-00808-2
David Scott

In a popular paper, Bruce Russell argues that our nonperception of divine reasons for apparently pointless suffering justifies belief in the nonexistence of God. Russell generally accepts the common interpretive norm that we are justified in believing that something does not exist when we do not perceive it, if and only if we have reason to believe that we would perceive it if it did exist. However, on the strength of an example from the film The Matrix , Russell argues that this interpretive norm does not apply to the belief in God’s nonexistence based on our nonperception of reasons that would justify apparently pointless suffering. My paper undermines Russell’s effort to restrict the scope of this interpretive norm. It thereby leaves open the door to agnosticism.



在一篇流行的论文中,布鲁斯·罗素(Bruce Russell)认为,我们对看似毫无意义的痛苦的神圣原因的无知,证明了相信上帝不存在是正当的。罗素通常接受一个共同的解释规范,即当且仅当我们有理由相信如果它确实存在我们会感知到它时,我们就有理由相信当我们不感知某物时不存在它。然而,根据电影《黑客帝国》中的一个例子,罗素争辩说,这种解释规范不适用于基于我们对理由的无知而相信上帝不存在的信念,这些理由可以证明显然毫无意义的痛苦是合理的。我的论文破坏了罗素限制这一解释规范范围的努力。因此,它为不可知论敞开了大门。