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Das Bild der arabischen Welt in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur als Reflexionsfläche politischer Umbrüche im 21. Jahrhundert
Neohelicon ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s11059-020-00538-x
Hend Asaad

Since the 9/11 attacks and the war on terrorism is the Middle East the scene of the various conflicts and problems that cast their shadow not only on the affected Arab countries, but also on many countries worldwide. From an imagological point of view, this article outlines the image of the Arabs based on three narrative texts: Das Tier, das weint (2004) ( The Animal that cries) by the German Writer Michael Kleeberg, Die Nächte auf ihrer Seite (2015) ( The Nights on Her Side ) by the German Writer Annika Reich and Staub (2018) ( Dust ) by the German Writer Svenja Leiber. The article aims to answer the following questions: why do the three works present the Arab world? And how do these narrative texts cross the boundaries between the literary fictionalized world and the reality? In order to answer these questions, the term “Imagology” and its tasks are concisely outlined. Subsequently, the contents of the three works will be explained in chronological order, because they deal with the image of the Arab World through epochal changes. Finally, the works will be analyzed in the light of the social and political changes, that influence the images of the Arab World in the first two decades of the twenty-first century.


Das Bild der arabischen Welt in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur als Reflexionsfläche politischer Umbrüche im 21. Jahrhundert

由于9/11袭击和反恐战争是中东各种冲突和问题的发生地,不仅给受影响的阿拉伯国家投下了阴影,也给全球许多国家投下了阴影。从意象学的角度,本文根据三个叙事文本概述了阿拉伯人的形象: Das Tier, das weint (2004) ( The Animal that Cries) by 德国作家 Michael Kleeberg, Die Nächte auf ihrer Seite (2015) (她身边的夜晚)由德国作家安妮卡·赖希和 Staub(2018 年)(尘埃)由德国作家 Svenja Leiber 撰写。文章旨在回答以下问题:三部作品为何呈现阿拉伯世界?这些叙事文本如何跨越文学虚构世界与现实之间的界限?为了回答这些问题,简要概述了“图像学”一词及其任务。随后,三部作品的内容将按时间顺序进行讲解,因为它们通过划时代的变化来处理阿拉伯世界的形象。最后,将根据影响 21 世纪前二十年阿拉伯世界形象的社会和政治变化来分析这些作品。