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Instrumental Support from Parents and Substance Use During the Transition to Adulthood
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s40865-020-00154-4
Kristin M. Lloyd , Jillian J. Turanovic

Instrumental support from parents can be a protective factor in the lives of children and adolescents—one that serves to reduce the risks of drug and alcohol use. But the link between instrumental support from parents and substance use has seldom been explored in emerging adulthood. In particular, it is unclear whether instrumental support from parents during this stage in the life course is protective, or whether it enables young adults’ binge drinking and drug use. Four waves of panel data from the Pathways to Desistance Study are used. Multilevel models are estimated to examine the relationship between parental instrumental support (providing living expenses, loaning money, providing transportation, and shopping/cleaning/doing laundry) and two forms of substance use (binge drinking and illicit drug use) during the transition to adulthood (N = 1137 individuals; 3288 person-waves). Our findings indicate that instrumental support from parents is unrelated to changes in binge drinking or illicit drug use during emerging adulthood. This association was null regardless of the type of instrumental support provided, or how instrumental support was measured. Instrumental support also had no impact on substance use for individuals with prior histories of drug and alcohol use. The results raise questions about the salience of instrumental support from parents during emerging adulthood and instead suggest that parental support may matter most during earlier stages of the life course.



父母的有力支持可以成为儿童和青少年生活中的保护因素,可以减少吸毒和酗酒的风险。但是,在成年后的成年人中,很少探讨父母的工具支持与吸毒之间的联系。特别是,尚不清楚在此过程中,父母在此阶段的工具性支持是否具有保护性,或者是否能够使年轻人狂饮和吸毒。使用了四次来自“通往疾病研究之路”的面板数据。估计使用多层次模型来研究在过渡到成年期间父母的工具支持(提供生活费,贷款,提供交通,购物/清洁/洗衣服)与两种形式的物质使用(饮酒和非法毒品使用)之间的关系。 (N  = 1137个人;3288人波)。我们的研究结果表明,父母的工具支持与成年期狂饮或非法药物使用的变化无关。无论所提供的工具支持的类型如何或如何测量工具支持,此关联都是无效的。仪器支持对以前有吸毒和酗酒史的人的物质使用也没有影响。结果引起了人们对成年后父母的工具支持的显着性的质疑,相反,父母的支持在生命过程的早期阶段可能最为重要。
