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Pro-Social and Altruistic Behaviors of Military Students in Random Events
Journal of Academic Ethics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10805-021-09393-6
Marek Bodziany 1 , Ryszard Kałużny 2

The cognitive purpose of the research presented in the article is to identify the propensity for pro-social and altruistic behavior among first-year military students (of basic training) in three simulated situations of need for help to other people. It raised the question contained in the main research problem: to what extent do military students at universities tend to behave in a pro-social and altruistic way in situations that pose a threat to the other people’s life and health, and what is the relationship between these behaviors and socialization in the civil environment? At the outset, the hypothesis was adopted that the candidates for professional soldiers show (or at least should show) a higher propensity for this type of behavior. For its verification, the population of the first-year military students during their basic training was assumed as a research area. The study covered 246 people (85 women and 161 men) selected randomly from among military students in the first year of studies of the command profile (major in management and command studies) of all military specialties and the medical profile. The selection of the research sample based on first-year students during the basic training (1 month of service) aimed to identify the impact of environmental factors (primary and secondary socialization as a "civilian") on the tendency to altruistic and pro-social behavior in two different groups of candidates for professional soldiers.



本文提出的研究的认知目的是确定一年级军事学生(基础训练)在需要他人帮助的三种模拟情况下的亲社会和利他行为倾向。它提出了主要研究问题中包含的问题:在对他人生命和健康构成威胁的情况下,大学军校学生在多大程度上倾向于表现出亲社会和利他的行为,两者之间的关系是什么?公民环境中的这些行为和社会化?一开始,假设职业军人的候选人表现出(或至少应该表现出)这种行为的更高倾向。为了验证,将接受基础训练的一年级军事学生的人口作为研究领域。该研究覆盖了 246 人(85 名女性和 161 名男性),这些人是从所有军事专业的指挥概况(主要是管理和指挥研究)和医学概况的第一年学习的军事学生中随机选择的。基于一年级学生在基础培训期间(服务1个月)选择研究样本,旨在确定环境因素(小学和中学社会化为“平民”)对利他和亲社会倾向的影响职业军人的两组不同候选人的行为。该研究覆盖了 246 人(85 名女性和 161 名男性),这些人是从所有军事专业的指挥概况(主要是管理和指挥研究)和医学概况的第一年学习的军事学生中随机选择的。基于一年级学生在基础培训期间(服务1个月)选择研究样本,旨在确定环境因素(小学和中学社会化为“平民”)对利他和亲社会倾向的影响职业军人的两组不同候选人的行为。该研究覆盖了 246 人(85 名女性和 161 名男性),这些人是从所有军事专业的指挥概况(主要是管理和指挥研究)和医学概况的第一年学习的军事学生中随机选择的。基于一年级学生在基础培训期间(服务1个月)选择研究样本,旨在确定环境因素(小学和中学社会化为“平民”)对利他和亲社会倾向的影响职业军人的两组不同候选人的行为。
