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“He Doesn’t Think He’s Lying”: The Moral Significance of Donald J. Trump’s Linguistic Practices
Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s40647-020-00311-5
Nathan Hilberg

Synthesizing the metaethical aspects of George Lakoff’s conception of Strict Father Morality (SFM) and Divine Command Theory (DCT) helps us to have a better understanding of the Trump phenomenon, US President Trump regularly deviating from accepted facts and his supporters having no problem with this practice. We misunderstand the situation if we presume that Trump’s mendacity and his supporters’ credulity fully account for this situation. More specifically, I argue that the authoritarian thread that runs through SFM/DCT provides Trump with the justification, in his view as well as in the eyes of his supporters, to dictate the meaning of key concepts, for example, truth, fairness, and justice. As a result, when Trump says something that seems plainly false, I argue that we better understand the situation if we regard Trump as taking himself to be defining what the term in question means. This situation has far-reaching ramifications, from destabilizing the meaning of key moral terms to all issues becoming partisan issues to the loss of expertise.



综合乔治·拉科夫(George Lakoff)的严格父亲道德(SFM)和神圣命令理论(DCT)的形而上学方面的内容有助于我们更好地了解特朗普现象,美国总统特朗普定期偏离公认的事实,而他的支持者对此毫无疑问实践。如果我们假设特朗普的轻描淡写和他的支持者的轻信充分说明了这种情况,那么我们会误解这种情况。更具体地说,我认为贯穿SFM / DCT的威权主义线索为特朗普提供了辩护,无论是在他看来还是在支持者的眼中,它都决定了关键概念的含义,例如,真相,公平和公正。正义。结果,当特朗普说些看似虚假的话时,我认为,如果我们认为特朗普将自己定义为该术语的含义,那么我们会更好地理解这种情况。这种情况具有深远的影响,从破坏关键道德术语的含义到所有成为党派问题的问题到专业知识的丧失。
