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Consumers' perceived value of luxury goods through the lens of Hofstede cultural dimensions: A cross-cultural study
Journal of Public Affairs Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1002/pa.2660
Anis ur Rehman 1

Consumer Perceived Value (CPV) is the complete evaluation of the product's usefulness by a consumer according to his perceptions of total obtained benefits compared with the cost that he had to pay for that. Customers purchase similar luxury goods globally, but for different motives and the value held by each customer for these products also changes across different nationalities. The variation in CPV arises mainly because of dissimilarities in culture of different countries. This study uses a framework of Hofstede's cultural dimensions to examine variations in CPV of luxury goods between two rising luxury markets of Saudi Arabia and India. The basic components of CPV of luxury goods were used as the basis for developing the questionnaire. The questionnaires were given through e-mail to respondents in Saudi Arabia (Arabic version) and India (English version). The data results indicate significant variances in CPV of luxury goods between the two countries. Saudi Arabian consumers turn out to be the greatest patrons of luxury goods whereas Indians display a culture of restraint and controlled gratification of desires. Unlike Saudi consumers, the Indian consumers do not display any significant “bandwagon” or “snob effect”.



消费者感知价值 (CPV) 是消费者根据他对获得的总收益与他必须为此支付的成本的比较,对产品有用性的完整评价。消费者在全球范围内购买相似的奢侈品,但出于不同的动机,每个消费者对这些产品的价值也在不同的国家发生变化。CPV 的差异主要是由于不同国家的文化差异所致。本研究使用 Hofstede 的文化维度框架来检验沙特阿拉伯和印度这两个新兴奢侈品市场之间奢侈品 CPV 的差异。奢侈品 CPV 的基本组成部分被用作开发问卷的基础。调查问卷通过电子邮件发送给沙特阿拉伯(阿拉伯文版)和印度(英文版)的受访者。数据结果表明,两国奢侈品的 CPV 存在显着差异。事实证明,沙特阿拉伯消费者是奢侈品的最大赞助人,而印度人则表现出克制和控制欲望满足的文化。与沙特消费者不同,印度消费者没有表现出任何明显的“跟风”或“势利效应”。