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A Donatello for Rome, a Memling for Florence. The maritime transports of the Sermattei of Florence†
Renaissance Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-24 , DOI: 10.1111/rest.12717
Tobias Daniels 1 , Arnold Esch 2

This article deals with the maritime transports of a little known but not unimportant Florentine merchant family. On the basis of previously unknown archival source material, we address questions of family history, mercantile networks, maritime trade connections, and merchandise (including some famous artworks), shedding new light not only on the Florentine merchant navy, but also on the history of maritime trade between the Mediterranean and the North in the Renaissance. In particular, we show what impact factors like bankruptcy and exile had on Florentine merchant families conducting in longdistance trade, and of how setbacks in Medicean Florence could be mastered. After establishing a business enterprise between Venice, Apulia and Poland, the Sermattei were disfavoured by the regime Cosimo de’ Medici established in Florence, struck by bankruptcy, exiled and murdered. In order to overcome this existential crisis and to re-establish the bonds with the Medici, the Sermattei moved to Pisa and started trading. The story of the Sermattei illustrates what the exile and return of the Medici meant for Italian merchant families and their businesses, and how it was possible for them to overcome a business failure via mare transporting a specialised assortment of goods and artworks for the Medici.


罗马的多纳泰罗,佛罗伦萨的梅姆林。佛罗伦萨 Sermattei 的海上运输†

本文涉及一个鲜为人知但并非不重要的佛罗伦萨商人家族的海上运输。在以前未知的档案资料的基础上,我们解决了家族历史、商业网络、海上贸易联系和商品(包括一些著名的艺术品)的问题,不仅为佛罗伦萨商船队提供了新的视角,而且对历史文艺复兴时期地中海与北方之间的海上贸易。特别是,我们展示了破产和流放等因素对进行长途贸易的佛罗伦萨商人家庭的影响,以及如何控制佛罗伦萨美第奇家族的挫折。在威尼斯、普利亚和波兰之间建立商业企业后,塞尔马泰人被在佛罗伦萨建立的科西莫·德·美第奇政权所厌恶,破产,流放和谋杀。为了克服这场生存危机并重新建立与美第奇家族的联系,塞尔玛泰一家搬到比萨并开始交易。Sermattei 的故事说明了美第奇家族的流放和回归对意大利商人家庭及其企业意味着什么,以及他们如何通过母马为美第奇家族运送专门分类的商品和艺术品来克服商业失败。