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Discrimination and its relation to psychosocial well‐being among diverse youth in Sweden
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1002/cad.20399
Fanny Gyberg 1 , Ylva Svensson 2 , Maria Wängqvist 1 , Moin Syed 3

Experiences of discrimination and links to well‐being have been examined extensively, but several gaps remain. The current study addresses four of those gaps by (1) examining both aggregated and source‐specific forms of discrimination, (2) comparing the experiences of minority and majority group members, (3) expanding the range of outcomes to include socially and developmentally appropriate measures, and (4) conducting the study in Sweden, a context in which discrimination and well‐being are not well understood. The sample consisted of 573 adolescents and emerging adults (71% women, Mage = 19.21 years) who completed survey measures of discrimination and psychosocial well‐being (self‐esteem, life satisfaction, school adjustment, and identity distress). Findings indicated that minority groups reported more frequent discrimination, and more often cited ethnicity as the source of discrimination, whereas majority groups most often cited gender. Experiencing discrimination was related to poorer psychosocial well‐being similarly for all groups. Youth experiencing ethnic discrimination were more often subjected to multiple forms of discrimination compared with those subjected to other forms of discrimination. Taken together, this study brings important information on the complexity of discrimination among youth in the multicultural context of migration in Sweden.



歧视的经历和与福祉的联系已得到广泛研究,但仍存在一些差距。目前的研究通过 (1) 审查综合歧视和特定来源歧视形式,(2) 比较少数群体和多数群体成员的经历,(3) 扩大结果范围,以包括社会和发展适当的措施,以及 (4) 在瑞典进行研究,在这种背景下,歧视和福祉并未得到很好的理解。样本包括 573 名青少年和新兴成年人(71% 为女性,M年龄= 19.21 岁),他们完成了歧视和社会心理健康(自尊、生活满意度、学校适应和身份困扰)的调查措施。调查结果表明,少数群体报告了更频繁的歧视,并且更经常将种族作为歧视的来源,而多数群体最常提到性别。对于所有群体来说,经历歧视都与较差的社会心理健康有关。与遭受其他形式歧视的青年相比,遭受种族歧视的青年更容易遭受多种形式的歧视。总之,这项研究提供了关于瑞典多元文化移民背景下青年歧视复杂性的重要信息。