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Democracy without Enlightenment: A Jury Theorem for Evaluative Voting*
Journal of Political Philosophy ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1111/jopp.12226
Michael Morreau 1

Say a jury is going to decide who wins a competition. First, each member evaluates all the competitors by grading them; then, for each competitor, a collective grade is derived from all the judgments of all the members; finally, the jury chooses as the winner the competitor with the highest collective grade. This is collective grading. The grades that are used might typically be numerical scores, or evaluative expressions of a natural language, such as “good,” “fair,” and “bad.” They could be any signs at all, though, that come in a “top” to “bottom” order: thumbs up and down; happy, neutral, and sad emojis; or cheering, clapping, booing, and angry hissing at public events. Panels, boards, and committees throughout society evaluate all manner of things by grading them. Thus risks are prioritized, research proposals are funded, and candidates are shortlisted for jobs. Apart from acclamation in special cases, collective grading is not a usual way to pick winners in political elections.

This article takes up a question about the quality of judgments and decisions made by collective grading: under which conditions are outcomes likely to be right? An answer comes in the form of a jury theorem for median grading. Here, the collective grade for a thing is the median of its individually assigned grades—the one in the middle, when all of them are listed from top to bottom. Section III prepares the ground for this theorem by discussing different senses in which grades can be the right ones for things, or the wrong ones as the case may be, independently of which grades are assigned in the end. These notions of right and wrong are relevant to judgments of different kinds of things: risks, research proposals, job candidates, options in referendums and elections. The grading‐jury theorem in Section V identifies conditions on the grading competence of individual people under which median grades, and decisions that follow them, are likely to be, independently, right.

A second objective of this article is to suggest a solution to problems of voter ignorance in democracies. The idea developed here is to use voting methods that make more of people's limited knowledge than do traditional methods such as majority voting. Grading holds promise, because voters can express themselves more fully by grading the options on their ballots rather than simply choosing one or ranking them all. To count the one option “good” and the other “bad” is, for instance, to rank the first above the second; but there is more information in these grades than just this order, because while counting the first option instead “fair” would put them in the same order, the expressions “good” and “fair” mean different things. By tapping into the richer information carried by graded ballots, collective grading methods could, in principle, allow more of voters' knowledge to find its way into collective decisions than traditional voting methods do.

Median grading sometimes does make more of voters' knowledge than majority voting possibly can. Section VI draws from the grading‐jury theorem the consequence that median grading is—in a special sense, presently explained—forgiving of the incompetence of voters who, perhaps as a result of their ignorance and prejudices, are not likely to make right decisions on their own. This agreeable nature of median grading is on display, in Section VI, in the example of an assembly that, going by median grades, reliably picks out the better option from a pair, even though the individual members, in their bemusement, are far more likely to vote for the wrong one. Under these circumstances, as Condorcet warned long ago, and as is explained in the next section, letting the majority decide is likely to make things worse. It would expose the assembly to a risk of making false decisions. The upshot is that, in theory anyway, and perhaps also in practice, median grading can enable unenlightened assemblies to “track the truth”—even as majority voting would run them off the rails.






