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Urban Chandelier: How Experiences of Being Vision Impaired Inform Designing for Attentiveness
Journal of Interior Design ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-21 , DOI: 10.1111/joid.12192
Natalia Pérez Liebergesell 1 , Peter‐Willem Vermeersch 1, 2 , Ann Heylighen 1

Prevailing conceptions of disability in architectural discourse give rise to the devaluing of disabled people's lived experiences. However, several studies in architecture and disability studies show how disability experience may lead to a careful attentiveness toward the qualities of the built environment that are relevant for design. Using focused ethnography, we examine how architect William Feuerman's disruptive vision impairment restructured his attention. The insights gained from his experience were incorporated conceptually into his design practice, and the resulting design principles were realized in one of his office's projects—Urban Chandelier, a design intervention positioned in an urban installation. Feuerman's experiences encouraged him to deliberately introduce disruption into his design, aiming not to disable everyone, but to make passers‐by attentive to their surroundings. He re‐organizes people's modes of attention through the distinct visual qualities of architecture, generating new meaning, in a similar manner as the stroke that affected his attention. We conclude that considering disabled people's lived experiences demonstrates potential in designing artifacts experientially interesting for a broad population, including but not limited to disabled people.



在建筑学话语中普遍存在的残疾观念引起了残疾人生活经验的贬值。但是,建筑和残障研究的一些研究表明,残障经历如何导致对与设计相关的建筑环境质量的细心关注。通过使用有重点的人种志,我们研究了建筑师威廉·福尔曼(William Feuerman)的破坏性视力障碍如何重新构造了他的注意力。从他的经验中获得的见解从概念上被整合到他的设计实践中,并且由此产生的设计原则在他办公室的一个项目——Urban Chandelier中得以实现,Urban Chandelier是一种在城市设施中进行的设计干预。福尔曼(Feuerman)的经历鼓励他故意将颠覆性引入他的设计中,目的不是要使每个人都残疾,而是要使路人注意周围的环境。他通过独特的建筑视觉特质重新组织人们的注意力模式,产生新的意义,其方式与影响他注意力的中风相似。我们得出的结论是,考虑到残疾人的生活经历,可以显示出设计包括但不限于残疾人在内的广大民众经验丰富的人工制品的潜力。