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Idleness on the Sofa: Under the Spell of Acedia
Journal of Interior Design ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-27 , DOI: 10.1111/joid.12196
Gülen Çevik 1

The story of idleness in interiors is one of contradictions and unresolved tensions. This article reflects on the idle/leisurely body in architectural interiors over time. Gender, class, and racial stereotypes overlay Western masculinist ideals coloring the meaning and perception of the word “idleness.” Nineteenth and early twentieth‐century Western artists produced a wealth of artwork, which displayed female bodies in repose. Symptomatically, these male artists titled their works “idle hours,” “la perezosa” (lazy), or “dolce‐far‐niente” (sweetness of doing nothing). Like a “canapé,” both an appetizer and the rival word to sofa in many languages, these female bodies were gently placed on divans or confortables. Yet, the connection between bodily comfort and immorality was established centuries earlier. Scholars of colonialism and Orientalism comment on how idleness and laziness were often presented as a character attribute befitting non‐Western bodies, particularly Muslims. However, they fail to explain the reasons for this positioning. This article argues that the long‐standing implications of the idle body have had a profound effect on how the Western gaze reads Oriental spaces and the bodies contained within them. Furthermore, it is no accident that the East was feminized within the dichotomy of the Occident and the Orient. Western female bodies were confined in domestic interiors due to their biologically assigned role as mothers; making female idleness in the West almost as inevitable as the perception of the idleness of the Oriental.



室内闲置的故事是矛盾和未解决的紧张关系之一。本文介绍了一段时间内建筑室内的闲置/休闲身体。性别,阶级和种族刻板印象覆盖了西方男性主义的理想,使“闲散”一词的含义和感知变色。十九世纪和二十世纪初,西方艺术家创作了大量艺术品,这些艺术品在休憩中展现出女性的身体。从症状上讲,这些男性艺术家将他们的作品命名为“空闲时间”,“ la perezosa ”(懒惰)或“ dolce-far-niente ”(无所事事的甜美)。像“开胃小菜”,既开胃菜和对手词在很多语言的沙发,这些女尸体被轻轻地放在沙发椅或confortables。然而,身体舒适与不道德之间的联系早在数百年前就已确立。殖民主义和东方主义的学者评论说,懒惰和懒惰通常是如何作为非西方身体特别是穆斯林的性格特征来呈现的。但是,他们无法解释这种定位的原因。本文认为,闲置物体的长期影响对西方目光如何解读东方空间及其中包含的物体产生了深远的影响。此外,东方在西方与东方的二分法中被女性化了也并非偶然。西方女性的身体由于其生物学上的角色而被限制在家庭内部。西方女性的懒惰几乎与东方人的懒惰一样不可避免。