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Reconciliation and Mission
International Review of Mission ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1111/irom.12326
Tormod Engelsviken

This article discusses the message and ministry of reconciliation with a view to both its biblical content and its contemporary missional application. Within a salvation historical framework of missio Dei, the article outlines the biblical narrative about human beings created in the image of God for personal relationships with God, self, other people, and nature; the fall in sin and the human predicament that necessitate reconciliation; the historical reconciliation provided by God through the incarnation, atoning death, and victorious resurrection of Christ (the first stage); the message of reconciliation in the mission of the church; the present reception of reconciliation through faith in that message (the second stage); and the results of reconciliation both in relation to God (“vertical reconciliation”) and among human beings in the church and in the world (“horizontal reconciliation”), with an emphasis on peace, unity, love, forgiveness, righteousness, and freedom. Christ’s victory over and subjugation of all evil spirit powers are described as “cosmic reconciliation.” Because reconciliation may be partial in this world where sin still exists and evil powers are active, the eschatological hope is for a final reconciliation where the relationships to God, to other human beings, and to a recreated world are renewed and consummated.



本文讨论和解的信息和事工,以期兼顾圣经的内容和当代的宣教应用。在米西奥·德伊(Misio Dei)的救赎历史框架内,这篇文章概述了关于圣经的叙事,这些叙事以上帝的形象造就了与上帝,自我,他人和自然的个人关系;罪恶的下降和需要和解的人类困境;上帝通过基督的化身,赎罪死亡和胜利复活提供的历史和解(第一阶段);和解的信息在教会的使命中;目前通过对这一信息的信心而获得和解(第二阶段);以及与神有关的和解结果(“垂直和解”)以及在教会和世界范围内的人类之间的和解结果(“水平和解”),并着重于和平,统一,爱,宽恕,公义和自由。基督对所有邪恶力量的胜利和屈服被描述为“宇宙和解”。因为和解在这个仍然存在罪恶和邪恶力量活跃的世界上可能是局部的,所以末世论的希望是最终的和解,在这个世界上,与神,与其他人以及与被重造的世界之间的关系得以更新和完善。