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Mission for/as Reconciliatory Emancipation
International Review of Mission Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1111/irom.12333
Joshua Samuel

Since Christian mission in the way of Jesus Christ is best understood and experienced in the fringes of the society, it is imperative that we listen to and learn from marginalized voices. Keeping this in mind, this article looks at the relevance of the theology of mission of the Dalit theologian and activist Masilamani Azariah, who served as a Bishop of the Church of South India in the 1990s. It seeks to highlight his pioneering work, which was discomforting for some dominant caste Indian Christians, in challenging the Indian church as well as the global ecumenical movement to speak up and act against untouchability and caste discrimination. Using Azariah's radical perspectives of mission as a lens, and employing the framework of reconciliatory emancipation, a theological concept explicated by the American political theologian Mark Taylor, this essay proposes that the mission of the church that endeavours to be holistic and Christ‐centred would and should be committed to the empowerment and healing of the oppressed, driven by a burning prophetic rage against injustice, even while retaining the space for forgiveness and repentance, with the ultimate goal of building the kingdom of God that transcends divisive and discriminating boundaries.



由于在社会边缘对基督徒以耶稣基督的方式进行的传教得到了最好的理解和经验,因此当务之急是我们聆听和学习边缘化的声音。牢记这一点,本文着眼于达利特神学家和激进主义者Masilamani Azariah的宣教神学的相关性,他曾在1990年代担任南印度教会的主教。它试图突出他的开创性工作,这使一些占统治地位的种姓印度基督徒感到不舒服,他在挑战印度教会以及全球普世运动中大声疾呼,并采取行动抗击贱民和种姓歧视。以阿扎里亚(Azariah)的激进使命观为镜头,并采用和解解放的框架,这是美国政治神学家马克·泰勒(Mark Taylor)所阐述的神学概念,