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Shaping the Balkan corridor: Development and changes in the migration route 2015–16
International Migration ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1111/imig.12828
Jana Abikova 1, 2 , Wojciech Piotrowicz 1

In 2015–16, Europe witnessed the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War. Over a million people moved via different migration routes. The key route was the Balkan corridor running from Turkey, via Greece, to Central, Western and Northern Europe. The aim of this paper is to describe the development and changes in the route and provide an analysis of transit via Balkan countries, looking at factors that influenced the shape of the corridor. This refugee crisis was challenging for European countries and the whole European Union (EU). This corridor was unique, being de facto formalized semi-legal territory, which the EU had never faced before. An official reaction to the crisis was necessary due to the substantial number of people who were on the move, seeking to cross the Balkan countries in the fastest manner possible. Therefore, the response was focused on arranging transport and providing only short-term accommodation. This paper uses the PESTLE framework to examine the key political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental aspects that influenced the Balkan corridor, as well as changes in the route over time and responses to them. The role of the media in shaping the corridor is also acknowledged, thus resulting in a PESTLE-M framework. Findings from the research are important, as it is likely that the EU will face a similar crisis in the near future. Therefore, there is a need to prepare and develop a plan in case such a situation arises.


塑造巴尔干走廊:2015-16 年移民路线的发展与变化

2015-16 年,欧洲见证了二战以来最大的难民危机。超过一百万人通过不同的迁移路线迁移。关键路线是从土耳其经希腊到中欧、西欧和北欧的巴尔干走廊。本文的目的是描述路线的发展和变化,并分析通过巴尔干国家的过境,研究影响走廊形状的因素。这场难民危机对欧洲国家和整个欧盟(EU)来说都是挑战。这条走廊是独一无二的,实际上是正式的半合法领土,这是欧盟以前从未面临过的。由于有大量人在移动,寻求以最快的方式穿越巴尔干国家,因此有必要对危机做出官方反应。所以,回应的重点是安排交通和只提供短期住宿。本文使用 PESTLE 框架来研究影响巴尔干走廊的关键政治、经济、社会、技术、法律和环境方面,以及路线随时间的变化和对它们的反应。媒体在塑造走廊方面的作用也得到承认,从而产生了 PESTLE-M 框架。研究结果很重要,因为欧盟很可能在不久的将来面临类似的危机。因此,有必要准备和制定计划,以防出现这种情况。影响巴尔干走廊的法律和环境因素,以及路线随时间的变化和对它们的反应。媒体在塑造走廊方面的作用也得到承认,从而产生了 PESTLE-M 框架。研究结果很重要,因为欧盟很可能在不久的将来面临类似的危机。因此,有必要准备和制定计划,以防出现这种情况。影响巴尔干走廊的法律和环境因素,以及路线随时间的变化和对它们的反应。媒体在塑造走廊方面的作用也得到承认,从而产生了 PESTLE-M 框架。研究结果很重要,因为欧盟很可能在不久的将来面临类似的危机。因此,有必要准备和制定计划,以防出现这种情况。