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Value Differences between Refugees and German Citizens: Insights from a Representative Survey
International Migration ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1111/imig.12795
Lukas M. Fuchs 1 , Yu Fan 1 , Christian Scheve 1

The political debate over the inclusion of refugees frequently revolves around cultural differences, in particular differences pertaining to values, which are suspected to hamper social integration. Sociological accounts of values in principle warrant the assumption that different values promote conflict over sensitive social issues. However, only little is known about the actual values of refugees who recently arrived in many European countries. Comparative values research suggests that immigrants from culturally distant countries increase value heterogeneity. In contrast, acculturation and assimilation theories argue that values are not static constructs, but subject to change and transformation. Using data from the IAB-BAMF-SOEP survey, a representative panel of refugees in Germany, and from the World Values Survey, the present study investigates differences in liberal democratic and gender equality values between refugees and German citizens. Results indicate that refugees from almost all countries investigated show higher levels of agreement to these values, except secularism, than Germans.



关于接纳难民的政治辩论经常围绕文化差异展开,尤其是与价值观相关的差异,这些差异被怀疑会阻碍社会融合。原则上对价值观的社会学解释保证了不同价值观会促进敏感社会问题上的冲突的假设。然而,人们对最近抵达许多欧洲国家的难民的实际价值知之甚少。比较价值研究表明,来自文化相距遥远国家的移民增加了价值异质性。相比之下,文化适应和同化理论认为价值不是静态的建构,而是会发生变化和转变。使用来自 IAB-BAMF-SOEP 调查、德国难民代表性小组和世界价值观调查的数据,本研究调查了难民和德国公民在自由民主和性别平等价值观上的差异。结果表明,几乎所有接受调查的国家的难民都比德国人对这些价值观的认同程度更高,世俗主义除外。