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Staying the course on global governance of migration through the COVID‐19 and economic crises
International Migration ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-14 , DOI: 10.1111/imig.12822
Dilip Ratha 1


What are the impacts of the current economic and health crisis on migration and remittance flows worldwide?

The sudden lockdowns, travel bans and social distancing requirements due to COVID‐19 had disproportionate effects on migrants. In the immediate aftermath, in the second quarter of 2020, employment levels for migrant workers fell precipitously (in the United States, e.g., it dropped 21 per cent for foreign‐born workers, compared with 15 per cent for native‐born workers). Judging from past experiences (e.g. during the global recession of 2009), it can take years before foreign‐born employment levels recover. New migration flows have come to a halt, while return migration has increased sharply, with the result that the stock of international migrants will register a decline for the first time in the past seven decades.

The crisis has severely affected remittance flows to low‐ and middle‐income countries. In 2019, remittances reached a record $548 billion, a level that surpasses foreign direct investment and is three times the amount of official development assistance. Due to the crisis, remittances are expected to decline by 7.2 per cent in 2020 and again by 7.5 per cent in 2021 (World Bank, 2020a,2020b). This is unprecedented—during the global recession in 2009, remittances declined by only 5 per cent. The sharp decline in remittances is expected to throw millions of people back into poverty and food insecurity.

A unique effect of the COVID‐19 pandemic on remittances has occurred through the closures of money transfer operators. Gradually, more operators have been allowed to open. There has been some shift from cash‐based flows to mobile or Internet‐based remittances, although cash‐based remittances still account for over 80 per cent of all transactions. However, the majority of lower‐skilled migrants, particularly those employed in informal sectors or in irregular status, and their families back home, do not have bank accounts. Also, money transfer operators have faced difficulties in opening accounts with correspondent banks.

The crisis has exposed significant data gaps that have prevented real‐time monitoring of remittance flows and migratory movements including stranded migrants and returning migrants. There is a pressing need to improve relevant data collection systems. Safeguarding the flows of remittances requires inclusive approaches to migrants. Governments of both host and origin countries must support the remittance infrastructure. These include recognizing remittance services as essential so that they may continue to operate, reducing the burden of remittance fees on migrants, incentivizing digital money transfers, and mitigating factors that prevent customers or remittance service providers from accessing banking services. The World Bank through the Global Knowledge Program on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) is launching an International Working Group on Improving Data on Remittances in collaboration with National Statistical Offices, central banks and selected international organizations to improve data on remittances and international cooperation in the collection and dissemination of data. Plus, the Governments of Switzerland and the United Kingdom jointly launched a Call to Action “Remittances in Crisis: How to Keep Them Flowing”, in partnership with institutional partners, including the World Bank (KNOMAD) and the UNCDF. The coalition now includes thirty member states, UNDP, IOM, the International Association of Money Transfer Networks and the International Chamber of Commerce and several other organizations from the civil society and the private sector. Also, in response to the UN Secretary General's call for global solidarity in addressing the COVID pandemic, IFAD launched the Remittance Community Taskforce to come up with immediate measures to really address the impact of COVID on remittances.








