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Lead Labelling on Roman Amphoras. A Short‐Lived Fashion?
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-08 , DOI: 10.1111/1095-9270.12440
Alejandro Quevedo 1 , Alicia Fernández Díaz 1

The 1970s saw the first publication of a set of lead plaques used as labels on transport vessels found in a shipwreck off Annaba, Algeria. They were wrapped around the handles of several Africana II C2 amphoras and some referred to officinae, probably of salted fish. Labelling merchandise with tesserae plumbeae was common for products such as textiles in the Roman Empire, but considered unusual on amphoras. New finds in the coastal archaeological sites of the villa of Portmán (Spain) and Portimão (Portugal) have led us to reconsider this statement. In this article we discuss these newly discovered lead labels and assess their chronology, use, and rarity in the archaeological record.



1970年代首次出版了一组铅斑,这些铅斑被用作在阿尔及利亚安纳巴附近海难中发现的运输船上的标签。它们被包裹在几个Africana II C2油罐和一些称为officinae的提手周围,可能是咸鱼。在罗马帝国的纺织品等产品中,通常使用tesserae plumbeae标记商品,但在安菲拉上认为是不寻常的。波尔曼(西班牙)和波尔蒂芒(葡萄牙)别墅的沿海考古遗址中的新发现使我们重新考虑了这一说法。在本文中,我们讨论了这些新发现的铅标签,并评估了它们在考古记录中的年代,用途和稀有性。