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Lullabies and unconscious maternal phantasies: An exploratory and comparative study of traditional and contemporary songs
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1002/aps.1657
Henrique T. Vicente 1, 2 , Ana Alexandra G. Grasina 2 , Cristina P. Vieira 3, 4 , Carlos Farate 1, 2, 5

The main purpose of this study was the identification of unconscious maternal phantasies in lullabies used by contemporary mothers and the exploration of differences and similarities with the phantasies unveiled in traditional bedtime songs, collected in ethnographic research, and used in a previous reference study. Participants included a total of 84 women aged between 22 and 47 years (M = 34.22; SD = 4.74) with children of both sexes aged 2–36 months (M = 19.01; SD = 10.79). A total of 70 songs were collected, which were the subject of content analysis and categorization by three independent judges. Data show that 54.8% of the mothers still use lullabies when they put their children to sleep, and that intergenerational transmission of songs is present through maternal lineage. As expected, regularities and differences were identified between the contents of contemporary and traditional lullabies, but regardless of variances in time and culture, both of them seem imbued by the mother's symbolic work through on the imaginary dimension of the child's (and her own's) internal object phantasies.



这项研究的主要目的是识别当代母亲使用的摇篮曲中的潜意识母亲幻象,并探索与传统睡前歌曲中揭示的幻象之间的异同,并在人种志研究中进行收集,并用于先前的参考研究中。(参加者总共84名女性的年龄在22和47岁之间的包括中号; = 34.22 SD = 4.74)与两性老化2-36个月(儿童中号= 19.01; SD= 10.79)。总共收集了70首歌曲,这是三位独立法官对内容进行分析和分类的主题。数据显示,有54.8%的母亲在让孩子入睡时仍然使用摇篮曲,并且通过母系世代存在代际传递歌曲。不出所料,现代摇篮曲和传统摇篮曲的内容之间存在规律性和差异性,但是无论时间和文化如何变化,母亲和母亲在象征性的作品中都通过孩子(和她自己)内部想象的维度赋予了二者。对象幻想。