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Dilmun boats on seals, horned figureheads, and the serpent/dragon slaying myth, c. 2050–1500 BC
Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-05 , DOI: 10.1111/aae.12170
Steffen Terp Laursen 1

Seals of Dilmun type from Bahrain and Failaka island (Kuwait) in 18 cases have depictions of boats. Contrary to previous studies, it is argued here that these vessels represent a distinct class of single-masted sail boats and further that this boat type probably is synonymous with the “Dilmun boats” mentioned in Babylonian textual sources as a specific long-distance vessel type native to Dilmun. The prow of the Dilmun boats typically exhibit a characteristic “figurehead” with two horns, large jaws and two forward-projecting “prongs”. Based on comparatively similar looking serpent/dragon representations in Dilmun’s glyptic art and the mythological information that can be understood from the scene in which they appear, the horned figureheads of the Dilmun boats are identified as a possible Dilmunite goddess of the primordial sea, somehow comparable to the Babylonian Tiamat. Following analysis of this serpent/dragon on the seals, it is argued that there existed a Dilmunite version of the near omnipresent conflict myth. This myth and its distinct topos are discussed, and it is concluded that in Dilmun it played a role in royal ideology and the legitimisation of kingship.


印章上的 Dilmun 船、有角的傀儡和蛇/屠龙神话,c。公元前 2050–1500 年

来自巴林和费拉卡岛(科威特)的 18 个 Dilmun 类型的印章中有船的描绘。与以前的研究相反,这里认为这些船只代表了一种独特的单桅帆船,并且进一步认为这种船类型可能与巴比伦文本资料中提到的“Dilmun 船”同义,是一种特定的长途船只类型原产于迪尔蒙。Dilmun 船的船头通常呈现出一个典型的“傀儡”,带有两个角、大颚和两个向前突出的“尖头”。基于 Dilmun 的雕刻艺术中看起来比较相似的蛇/龙表现形式以及可以从它们出现的场景中理解的神话信息,Dilmun 船的有角傀儡被确定为可能是原始海洋的 Dilmunite 女神,某种程度上可以与巴比伦的提亚马特相媲美。在对印章上的这条蛇/龙进行分析之后,有人认为存在几乎无所不在的冲突神话的 Dilmunite 版本。讨论了这个神话及其独特的主题,并得出结论认为,在迪尔蒙,它在皇室意识形态和王权合法化中发挥了作用。