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The Relationship Between ACEs, Trauma-Related Psychopathology and Resilience in Vulnerable Youth: Implications for Screening and Treatment
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s40653-020-00308-y
Julie Goldenson 1 , Iljona Kitollari 2 , Francesca Lehman 3

This study examined the impact of ACEs in vulnerable adolescents and assessed whether resilience would have a moderating impact on psychological functioning. Participants included 40 youth, aged 12–17 identified as having experienced family violence and who were referred for treatment at the San Diego Center for Counseling (SD-CC). The relationship between ACEs, trauma-related symptomology, and psychological functioning was examined using results from the Child Posttraumatic Stress Scale (CPSS) and the Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents (PAI-A). The Child Youth Resiliency Measure was utilized to assess whether resilience buffered against the impact of ACEs. A positive relationship between the number of reported ACEs and trauma-related symptomology was found. There was a dose dependent response: youth endorsing 4 or more ACEs had significantly more psychopathology and showed less resilience as compared to those scoring below 4. The more resilient the sample, the less symptomatology was found. Regression analysis showed that resilience had a protective influence: as ACE distress increased, those high in resilience reported less somatization or depression. These findings support the use of the ACE measure as a screening tool and underscore the importance of assessing resilience in conjunction.



这项研究检查了 ACE 对弱势青少年的影响,并评估了复原力是否会对心理功能产生调节影响。参与者包括 40 名 12 至 17 岁的青年,被确定为遭受过家庭暴力,并被转介到圣地亚哥咨询中心 (SD-CC) 接受治疗。使用儿童创伤后压力量表 (CPSS) 和青少年人格评估量表 (PAI-A) 的结果检查了 ACE、创伤相关症状和心理功能之间的关系。儿童青少年复原力测量用于评估复原力是否缓冲了 ACE 的影响。发现报告的 ACE 数量与创伤相关症状之间存在正相关关系。存在剂量依赖性反应:与得分低于 4 分的人相比,支持 4 个或更多 ACE 的青年人的精神病理学明显更多,并且表现出的复原力较低。样本的复原力越强,发现的症状就越少。回归分析表明,复原力具有保护作用:随着 ACE 痛苦的增加,复原力高的人报告的躯体化或抑郁症较少。这些发现支持使用 ACE 测量作为筛选工具,并强调了同时评估弹性的重要性。