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Technology appropriation and Mapuche self-communication: An interpretation of indigenous e-communication in Chile
Ethnicities ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1177/1468796821998715
Claudio A Maldonado Rivera 1, 2 , Juan A del Valle Rojas 3, 4

The use and appropriation of digital information and communication technologies by Mapuche communicators and activists has turned into a new process of political and identity innovation in the context of the Chilean–Mapuche intercultural and interethnic conflict. This study aims to understand the Mapuche intercultural dialogue. Based on a corpus of semi-structured interviews with Mapuche communicators, we interpret and analyze their discourses in relation to the dissemination and/or analysis of the indigenous digital informative media. The results are built upon the valorization and recognition of the mediations that the Mapuche agents develop around their own e-communication praxis. This interpretation derives from applying theoretical–conceptual categories which have enabled us to address technological, technopolitical, (inter)cultural, and communicative dimensions regarding the Mapuche e-communication work.



